28 June 2017

Return of Boaty McBoatyface

The DynOPO project and successful missions of Autosub Long Range got a bit of coverage in the news today, with articles in the BBC, the Guardian, and press releases on the University of Southampton webpage and the NERC website.

For UK Robotics week (26-30 June 2017), the University of Southampton released a press item about the return of Boaty. This got picked up by a number of news outlets, and can be found at:

Here is a nice clip that merges some footage from Povl and the animation:

In case you missed it

Check out the animation of Autosub Long Range’s journey through Orkney Passage:

Boaty McBoatface M44 in Orkney Passage from Eleanor Frajka-Williams on Vimeo.

There are some additional online releases about the DynOPO project and Boaty, including:

  • NOC educational resources - with video of Steve McPhail talking about ALR on board the JCR

  • BAS - 2 April 2017 - with Boaty’s first Antarctic dive (video by DynOPO co-I: Povl Abrahamsen)

  • Next Animation - here’s another animated clip. Not sure who produced it, but it looks pretty good - just, Autosubs don’t communicate by radio waves underwater.

Explore more fun stuff about Boaty McBoatface in DynOPO

Or find out about the science of the DynOPO project.

You can also read about Autosub Robots for Marine Science (external link).